What Are the Legal Steps I Should Take Following A Car Accident?

car accident lawyers columbus, oh

Steps To Do After A Car Accident

Getting involved in a car accident is never good news, even when a collision is especially minor. But after suffering injuries and damages in a car wreck, the situation can become emotionally charged and you may feel confused about what to do next.

By keeping a cool head and following the tips below, you can preserve the integrity of your case and protect your interests in the imminent legal process. Here are some of the most important things to remember in the aftermath of a car accident.

Check For Injuries

Take a second to assess the situation. If you see that you are not seriously harmed, see to the safety of your passengers and anyone else involved in the accident. If it is safe to do so, move your vehicle to the side of the road. DO NOT LEAVE THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT.

Contact the Police and Emergency Services

As soon as you can, call emergency services to the scene of the accident. The Police will arrive to make a report of the incident. This report is important to your case and building strong evidence against the liable parties. Likewise, the paramedics that arrive on the scene will examine you and your passengers and provide treatment as needed.

Exchange Information

Get the name and contact information of the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Get their license plate numbers as well as the information for their insurance provider and provide them with your information as well. If there were any eyewitnesses that saw what took place, get their contact information as well. Their testimony could be crucial in determining liability in the accident.

Record the Scene

Always exercise extreme caution when making your way around the scene of an accident, especially those involving large commercial vehicles. However, gathering fresh evidence is important to building a bullet-proof case. Take as many pictures as you can of the damage done to both vehicles, and the position of the vehicles involved in relation to each other. Other important subjects will be road debris, skid marks, injuries sustained, obstacles on the road (e.g., fallen tree branches, etc.), and any traffic signals in the vicinity.

Do Not Admit Fault

It is only natural to feel a great deal of anger, confusion, or even remorse in the wake of an accident; this is only normal. Nevertheless, it is essential that you do not say or do anything that could weaken your case. For example, saying something as seemingly innocuous as “sorry” could be misinterpreted as an admission of fault in the accident.

Seek Medical Attention

You may think that you have escaped unscathed, but unless you have been examined by a medical professional, you won’t know for sure. Injuries to the brain and internal organs can be very serious and go unnoticed in the excitement of the moment. But if you wait too long to get treatment, the dangers are nothing less than life-threatening — even from relatively minor accidents. Have yourself and your passengers examined by a medical professional. Make sure you keep all records of medical bills, prescriptions, treatment plans, etc. This will be essential to planning a complete recovery and calculating the damages you faced in the accident.

Call A Car Accident Lawyer!

You may be approached by crafty insurance providers offering you a settlement right away. No matter how enticing the deal may seem, you can rest assured this is a low-ball offer compared to what you actually need to make a full recovery. Firmly refer these insurance adjusters to your lawyer. Our Columbus, OH lawyers will know exactly how to deal with insurance agents and protect your interests. This will allow you to focus on the important task of making a full recovery.

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