
Kirtland Personal Injury Attorney

Injured in a Car Accident? Don't Take Chances.


Call Mike

Personal Injury Lawyer in Kirtland, Ohio

Our Kirtland Personal Injury Lawyer, Mike Christensen focuses in all types of accident cases including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and truck/big rig accidents. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, you need a Kirtland Ohio Personal Injury Attorney who will fight for you. The team at our injury law firm has over 20 years of experience and knowledge to get you the compensation you deserve. We understand how difficult it can be to recover from an accident, and we want to help you through this difficult time.

No Legal Fees Unless We Win

We have no legal fees unless, of course, we succeed in obtaining a monetary recovery for you. This means that your case will be handled with the utmost care and dedication from start to finish – just like our other satisfied clients!

Why Choose Mike Christensen Law Offices in Kirtland, OH?

Michael D. Christensen Law Offices, LLC – Kirtland Injury & Accident Attorney build strong cases for our clients who were injured from serious accidents caused by someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior. Our law firm has won tens of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements

Attorney Michael Christensen understands that every client is unique and he takes the time to get to know each one personally. This allows him to better understand their goals and recommend the best course of action for them.

You can trust that Attorney Christensen will fight for your rights and do everything he can to get you the compensation you need to pay for medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses related to your accident. 

Every client gets the personal attention they deserve from a lawyer who stays by their side every step of the way. Call our office today for a free consultation.

5 Reasons to Choose Us:

Available 24/7. Your consultation is free. You pay no legal fee unless you win!

Call Mike: 866-866-8058


Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident Near Kirtland, Ohio?

No one wants to be in an accident. But if you are, the first step is finding a car accident attorney in Kirtland, Ohio who can help you take back control. At our law firm, we handle all different types of accidents, but some of the most common cases we see are car accidents. Whether your accident was a minor fender bender or a major collision, we will work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve. 


You might think you don’t need a car accident lawyer, especially if someone clearly caused your collision. Don’t be so sure. You’ll likely have to deal with a wide range of complicated issues after your accident, including:

  • The person who caused your accident denies doing anything wrong.
  • The person at fault tries to blame you for causing your accident.
  • The insurance company makes a lowball settlement offer.
  • The insurance company claims they can’t pay you more.
  • The insurance company denies your accident claim.


Someone did something to cause your car accident and they should be held responsible for their actions. Otherwise, you could be the one who pays your medical bills and other accident-related expenses.

That’s not fair. You have rights. Mike can fight for them. Discover what an experienced Kirtland personal injury lawyer can do for you. Call Mike now. And if we don’t win your case, you don’t owe us a dime. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Contact us and schedule your free case evaluation today at our Columbus office. And if you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you.

Don’t Deal With The Insurance Company On Your Own

Don’t try to deal with the insurance company on your own. Their goal is to pay out as little as possible, and they will use any tactic they can to achieve that. Let us level the playing field and fight for what’s rightfully yours.

No two car accident cases are the same, despite what you might hear from the insurance company. The claims adjuster might offer a quick low-ball number to settle. That offer might not even begin to cover your true losses. They’ll likely claim that’s the most they can give you, that they can’t afford to pay you a penny more. We know the truth.

We know that most insurance companies can – and will – pay you more for your car accident. But you need to demand it. You must fight for every penny. And without a tough personal injury lawyer in your corner, odds are you will lose. Don’t let them push you around. Fight back. Call Mike Christensen now. He’ll be with you every step of the way – from filling out forms, to negotiating with insurance companies or fighting them in court if necessary.

Get Your Free Case Evaluation Today

CALL MIKE NOW: 866-866-8058

A Personal Injury Lawyer Who Won’t Put up With Insurance company Tactics.

When so much is at stake, you need to take aggressive action from the start. Let Mike help. He has experience handling some of the most serious cases in Ohio, including wrongful death claims and catastrophic injuries:





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